The Steppenwolf Theatre has been a cornerstone of Chicago theatre for years. They have produced shows that have been acclaimed by critics here and on broadway. And now comes what may be the best production of the theatre's history.
Tracy Letts' August: Osage County is a story of the Weston clan from Oklahoma. It is led by it's patriarch, Beverly who is a drunk and his wife, Violet, a drug addicted vicious mother. It revolves around the sudden disappearance of Beverly that calls for the reunion of the whole clan (sister, daughters, their husbands and cousin). It is an intense look at a family's dynamic triggered by this turning point in their lives.
Violet (played by Deana Dunagan with staggering fierceness) is a marriage between Mary (fr O'Neils Long Days Journey Into the Night) and Martha (fr Albee's Who's Afraid of Virginia Wolf). A mother who is honestly brutal she tears her daughters and everyone in her path for that matter, apart. If she were to face off with either Martha and Mary.....well I think Violet will come on top.
If you think the subject is daunting enough, well, consider too that it is 3 1/2 hrs long! However, when I saw this last Saturday.....those 3 hours flew by! The script is filled with humor and wit that is so enjoyable and played by the ensemble cast with brilliance. I was riveted and was sitting at the edge of my seat, anxious of what will Violet say next. It also takes you through a rollercoaster of emotions and realizations as the play peels away the family's secrets. You'll never know where it came from until it hits right in the gut (yes that was how I felt during the show).
The amazing set, which is a 3 storey house, also acts as another charater.....the keeper of secrets. The tri-level set allows several scenes to happen all together (at some point) making the play more energetic.
Is it good theatre? Well, I think so because it provokes thought, moves emotions and makes you feel and care for the characters as well as also make you look at your life. That is good theatre for me.
It is moving to broadway this November (11/20) with the entire Chicago ensemble cast intact! However, it is only a limited run at the Imperial Theatre for 16 weeks. I was fortunate enough to snag last minute tickets to this and proud to have seen it at the theatre where it was born and nurtured......the world premiere of a midwest story......from a Chicago theatre company.......written by one of it's ensemble members, Tracy Letts. Truly a brilliant peice of Chicago theatre! New York get ready you're in for ride!
(photo fr Steppenwolf.org)
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